Home When will I receive the account information? - AccountShark FAQ

When will I receive the new account information after ordering?

In most cases, the account information is provided within a few minutes after payment is received. Since the majority of our payment options are manual and require direct communication with AccountShark to complete, the agent who helps you with payment will be online to deliver the account details to you by email afterwards. 

Our regular operating hours are 8 AM - 10 PM Central Standard time. If you place an order outside of this timeframe, the payment instructions or account details will be emailed to you first thing the following morning.

Note: If you're buying a WoW character that requires a transfer, coordination with a third-party may be required. In these cases, order fulfillment may take longer than usual to complete.

Please allow up to 24 hours for order fulfillment to be fully completed for all orders. You should never need to wait this long, but if for some reason you have been waiting longer than this, please contact us