AccountShark Buyback Policy

Buyback Policy


At, we understand that people may want to quit playing a game for a number of reasons. Because of this, we offer flexible buyback options for all customers who wish to Sell WoW Accounts that they bought through our website. Simply submit the appropriate form for selling an account and we will reach out to you with further instructions. 


Starting 7/5/20, we will no longer be refunding payments for buyback arrangements. All buyback orders will be filled as a new, separate payment. Thank you for your understanding.


Terms and Conditions:


  • Our Buyback Policy is intended only as a means of convenience for customers who have had an account for an extended period of time and are simply looking to quit the game or buy something else. It is not designed or intended for people who immediately wish to sell a product back to us for a refund after purchasing it. Please review our Refund Policy for questions or concerns related to refunds.
  • This is expressly a complimentary service. AccountShark reserves the right to terminate its Buyback Policy at any time without notice if it is determined, at our sole discretion, that the privileges described herein are being abused.
  • In order to prevent policy abuse, we will not arrange product buybacks for products purchased less than 30 days ago. You will need to keep your new account for a minimum of 30 days for us to consider offering you a buyback arrangement. 
  • If we are interested buying back your account, we will offer to buy it back for a percentage of the purchase price. Most of the time this will be 50% of the order total, but adjustments can be made for specific circumstances.
  • If you have added things to an account or character such as mounts and transmog, or made significant progress in the game in general, fill out the Sell My WoW Account form with any new information you would like us to review. Otherwise, we will simply go off of the original description.
  • If you are dissatisfied with our offer, we might be willing to advertise your account on consignment. This means that you will be asked to set a price and we will put it back up for sale on our site and help sell it on your behalf. The commission from that sale will go directly from us to you without you having to be paid by someone unfamiliar. We do not take a percentage of the sale for this service, but the price of the product will be marked up on our end in order to justify being paid on your behalf and for transferring warranty privileges to another party. The higher the price set, the larger our markup will need to be. You will only be paid the price set by yourself during our original negotiation.
  • If we agree to sell an account on your behalf through consignment, you are not required to do anything throughout the process other than wait. Sit back, relax, and let us do the work for you!
  • There is no timeframe for the completion of a consignment, and your account is not guaranteed to be sold.  
  • All account buyback requests and the product(s) such requests entail are subject to review. AccountShark reserves the right to refuse a buyback request for any or no reason at all at its sole discretion.