AccountShark Is AccountShark on G2G or PlayerAuctions? - AccountShark FAQ

Is AccountShark on G2G or PlayerAuctions?

I get this question occasionally and the short answer is no, AccountShark is not currently using G2G or PlayerAuctions. 

Why isn’t AccountShark on G2G?

I’ve tried getting us on G2G for a long time actually, just for added visibility, but they wouldn’t give us the username we wanted. The username “AccountShark” was taken by an inactive user and they refused to release it to us despite showing them business documents & other identifying information. Eventually we were able to get the user removed from G2G, but they “locked” the username afterwards and wouldn’t let us claim it. Basically gave up after running in circles with their support bots for weeks. They didn’t seem to understand the request and refused to work outside of the script they were trained on, and on principle I wasn’t willing to do business there under any other name than the one we’re known by.

Ultimately their loss though. G2G charges a flat 10% fee for new sellers which adds up quickly when you’re selling accounts for thousands of dollars each. We might have actually yielded the highest fee revenue for them out of any other user. Wouldn’t have been convenient for buyers since those costs would have been added to the cost of each account and passed onto them, but for people who care about the veil of “security” offered by places like G2G then I guess it would have been worth it.

Ironically, according to its own support site G2G only covers your purchase for 14 days after sale and does not guarantee anything back in the event of any issues. AccountShark on the other hand covers your purchase for 1 year after sale OR LONGER and guarantees either credit or your money back if an issue does occur that can’t be resolved. With this in mind I really don’t see the benefit to buying anything there, but if your cup of tea is overpaying for accounts, getting no coverage and dealing with support bots then go for it king.

Why isn’t AccountShark on PlayerAuctions?

We actually DO have a PlayerAuctions account but it’s currently inactive. Kind of a funny story. Tried listing there one time, someone placed an order, cancelled the order due to the buyer changing their mind, and PlayerAuctions tried to say I owed them $60 since they “held” the buyer’s payment in escrow for 5 minutes between placing the order and canceling it. On principle I wasn’t about to get scammed for $60 just to keep using their site, so I left it alone and haven’t looked back.

PlayerAuctions charges 13% + $0.99 to sell accounts on their platform. This doesn’t include their ADDED FEE of 4.99% + $0.99 for after sale “protection” and other platform related costs and developments. If AccountShark was selling accounts on PlayerAuctions, the price of all accounts listed there would be 13% higher than they are listed at locally on Every transaction would be 18% more expensive for the buyer since I’m not about to pay a 13% fee to PlayerAuctions just for fun, and why should I pay when I have an established platform of my own to sell on? If someone really, truly believes that buying from PlayerAuctions is safer and that they will protect you and cover your purchase just because you paid them 5% in fees, then they can by all means give them more of their money.

Autonomy Matters!

Both G2G and PlayerAuctions could have stood to gain hundreds of thousands of dollars by absorbing fee revenue from the success of AccountShark since we’ve been in business, and both of these platforms fumbled the bag. By not outsourcing the success of my business to predatory markets like those, I kept more money in my buyer’s pockets (YOURS) as well as my own. It’s certainly been more work to establish a brand & name for my company doing things this way since joining those sites would have given me a launchpad to start off from with no effort, but I wouldn’t have done it differently if given the choice.

If you’ve read this answer but would still like to see AccountShark on either of those platforms, contact me and let me know!