Home US-7586732
  • SKU: US-7586732

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    450 PvP Item Level Paladin

    Character is being sold individually and requires transfer to new account. Not everything shown in the armory will transfer.

    Rare Items & Transmog:

    Dragonflight S2 Elite PvP Paladin Set
    Dragonflight S2 Elite PvP Weapons

    Rare Tabards:

    Obsidian Gladiator's Tabard

    Rare Mounts:

    Obsidian Gladiator's Drake (Unused) 
    Winding Slitherdrake: Embodiment of the Obsidian Gladiator (Unused)

    Additional Details:

    Character is being sold individually and requires a transfer to a new account. The new account must have the same last name as the origin account. The buyer is responsible for creating the account per our specifications. The new account must also have game time and be upgraded to the current expansion. The buyer may select a new server and character name at no cost. Contact us with any questions.