AccountShark Buy WoW Accounts US-6540912
  • SKU: US-6540912

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    Level 60 Paladin - Safe Armory

    Level 60 Warrior - Safe Armory

    Level 60 Shaman - Safe Armory

    Level 60 Druid - Safe Armory

    Rare Mounts:

    Shadowlands S2 Elite PvP Plate Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Shadowlands S2 Elite PvP Cloth Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Warrior Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Set
    Priest Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Set
    Paladin Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Set
    Shaman Legion Timewalking Mage Tower Set
    Tabard of the Lightbringer
    Unchained Fury Weapon Illusion (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Mounts:

    Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ruthless Gladiator's Twilight Drake (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Vicious Gladiator's Twilight Drake (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Swift Razzashi Raptor (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Spectral Tiger
    Tazavesh Gearglider
    Vulpine Familiar
    Vicious War Wolf
    Ice Mammoth
    Maldraxxian Corpsefly
    Sinfall Gravewing
    Elysian Aquilon
    Great Red Elekk
    Frostwolf Howler
    Swift Red Hawkstrider
    Armored Plaguerot Tauralus
    Swift Lovebird
    Gravestone Battle Gargon
    Eternal Phalynx of Purity
    Black War Mammoth
    Black War Bear
    Umbral Runestag
    War-Bred Bonehoof
    Eternal Phalynx of Courage
    Swift White Hawkstrider

    Rare Titles:

    Arena Master (UNOBTAINABLE)
    of Gnomeregan
    of Ironforge
    Flame Warden
    of Stormwind
    the Argent Champion
    Champion of the Frozen Wastes
    of the Ashen Verdict
    of the Nightfall
    Twilight Vanquisher
    the Kingslayer
    the Patient

    Rare Achievements:

    Hero of the Alliance: Cataclysmic (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Hero of the Alliance: Ruthless (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Hero of the Alliance: Vicious (UNOBTAINABLE)
    High Five: 2200 (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Last Man Standing (UNOBTAINABLE)