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Want to buy this account but need to negotiate the price? No problem! We can generally be flexible on the prices of most accounts. Fill out the form below to submit an offer for this account and we'll let you know if we can accept it. Our response will be sent to your inbox, but if you provide your Discord information you will be contacted there instead.
We cannot guarantee that we will always be able to negotiate the price of an account. By submitting an offer, you acknowledge that AccountShark is under no obligation to accept the offer, and you are under no obligation to make a purchase should your offer be accepted.
Choose the account you want, add it to your cart, and proceed to checkout to pay. Once your payment is received, we will send your new account log-in details to the email address you provided at checkout. If your order requires additional steps to complete, you will be contacted with further instructions.
For more information about buying accounts on AccountShark, please see our FAQ or contact us.
After your order is complete, we will email you all of the relevant account login information. This can include but might not be limited to the following:
• Account email or username
• Account phone number
• Account password
• Security question answer
• Account creation details
We also provide comprehensive safe usage guidelines with all purchases that include tips on how to safely use and enjoy your new game account.
In most cases, the account details are sent to you within a few minutes after your payment is received. We try to complete all orders as quickly as possible, but this can take a little longer depending on how busy we are.
For more information on when you can expect to receive the new account details after ordering, please click here.
While it is not required to register here to place an order, it is highly recommended to do so if you plan on making multiple purchases. You can track your order history and go through the checkout process faster by creating a user profile. For more details on registering on AccountShark, see this article.
To see our reviews and customer feedback, please check out our Reviews Page.
Buying an account is perfectly safe. People have been buying accounts since the dawn of online gaming, and there would be no market for accounts if buying them was objectively risky. Any potential risks are mitigated by following our safety guidelines, playing responsibly, and simply keeping a low profile.
We can occasionally do trades depending on what is being traded. However, in most cases we will be unable to do so. Any trades we allow are determined on a case by case basis without guarantee.
Yes! If you buy an account and want to sell it back later on you can certainly do so. For more information on how buybacks work, click here.
To buy one character, it will need to be transferred to a new account. The destination account would need to have the same as the original account, as well as the same expansion level and an active subscription. The character can then be sent to the server of your choosing.
YOU CANNOT TRANSFER A CHARACTER TO YOUR OWN ACCOUNT. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please do not buy a character if you are assuming that this is possible. We will be unable to assist.
If you are only interested in one character from the account listed, you will have to contact us to facilitate that transaction.
If you are buying a whole account, the login details will be sent to you by email. Depending on the game, this will typically include the account email and password. Any other relevant information such as the security question answer will be passed to you if applicable. Once you are logged in, you can modify the password and SQA to one of your choosing.
In general, mounts are never transferable, and only a few appearances will transfer depending on what the character earned. For specifics on what transfers with a character you will have to contact us. Since we do not typically sell individual characters, we do not include in our descriptions what would be included if a character were bought by itself.
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Region: United States
Servers: North America
Currency: USD
Level 80 Druid - 623 Item Level
Level 80 Shaman
Level 80 Hunter
Level 80 Demon Hunter
Level 70 Paladin
Level 70 Monk
**Includes game time until January 2026**
Rare Items & Transmog:
WoD Challenge Mode Weapons (UNOBTAINABLE)
5/8 T3 Dreamwalker (Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Boots)
MoP Challenge Mode Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
Dragonflight S1 Elite PvP Druid Set
WoD S2 / S3 Elite PvP Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
WoD S1 Primal Elite PvP Druid Set (Full Visible) (UNOBTAINABLE)
Legion S1 / S2 Elite PvP Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
Legion S5 / S6 / S7 Elite PvP Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
Scythe of the Unmaker (Blue)
Tauren Heritage Armor
Wastewander Tracker's Kit
Darkmoon Harlequin's Bells
Bones of the Bloodhunter
Inexorable Castigator's Guise (Mythic)
Tower Ascendant's Battlegear (Mythic)
Sin Slayer's Leathers (Mythic)
Sanctum Assailant's Trappings (Mythic)
20th Anniversary Druid Set
20th Anniversary Monk Set
20th Anniversary Paladin Set
20th Anniversary Demon Hunter Set
20th Anniversary Shaman Set
20th Anniversary Hunter Set
Dragonwraith, Tarecgosa's Rest
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient KingsFen-Yu, Fury of Xuen
Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzao
Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon
Rare Tabards:
Corrupted Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Notorious Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Demonic Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Dominant Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Tabard of Flame
Weapon Illusions:
Flames of Ragnaros
Winter's Grasp
Primal Victory (UNOBTAINABLE)
Mage Tower Artifact Weapons:
Balance Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (All 4 Color Variants) (UNOBTAINABLE)
Restoration Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (All 4 Color Variants) (UNOBTAINABLE)
Feral Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (All 4 Color Variants) (UNOBTAINABLE)
Guardian Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (All 4 Color Variants) (UNOBTAINABLE)
Rare Titles:
the Insane
the Undaunted (UNOBTAINABLE)
Bloodsail Admiral
Legend of Pandaria (UNOBTAINABLE)
the Faceless One (UNOBTAINABLE)
Huojin's Fall
Killer of Kezan
Troll Hunter
the Butcher
the Death Stalker
Warlord of Draenor (UNOBTAINABLE)
Slayer of Sin'dorei
Conqueror of Azeroth
Tarren Mill Terror (UNOBTAINABLE)
of the Jungle
of the Deeps
Servant of N'Zoth (UNOBTAINABLE)
Sword of Wrynn
of Gnomeregan
of Ironforge
of the Exodar
Flame Warden
of Darnassus
of Stormwind
the Admired
the Diplomat
Guardian of Cenarius
the Tranquil Master
the Argent Champion
Conqueror of Orgrimmar
the Beloved
Hero of Dazar'alor
the Noble
the Gullible
Associate Professor
Avenger of Hyjal
the Hallowed
the Fabulous
of the Iron Vanguard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Rare Mounts:
Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
Infinite Armoredon
Hailstorm Armoredon
Inferno Armoredon
Verdant Armoredon
August Phoenix
Cindermane Charger
Crusty Crawler
Diamond Mechsuit
Colossal Ebonclaw Mawrat
Coldflame Infernal
Ferocious Jawcrawler
Fiery Hearthsteed
Gigantic Grrloc
Ginormous Grrloc
Hand of Reshkigaal
Jigglesworth Sr.
Machine Defense Unit 1-11
Silvermoon Sweeper
Snapback Scuttler
Widow's Undercrawler
Amani Hunting Bear
Auspicious Arborwyrm
Azure Worldchiller
Felstorm Dragon
Jeweled Copper Scarab
Mossy Mammoth
Obsidian Worldbreaker
Perfected Juggernaut
Pearlescent Goblin Wave Shredder
Riding Turtle
Runebound Firelord
Startouched Furling
Subterranean Magmammoth
X-45 Heartbreaker
Winter Night Dreamsaber
Scourgebound Vanquisher
Timbered Sky Snake
Tangled Dreamweaver
Conqueror's Scythemaw
Snapback Scuttler
Stormpike Battle Ram (UNOBTAINABLE)
Honeyback Harvester
Winterspring Frostsaber
Frostplains Battleboar
Leyfeather Hippogryph
Shadowbarb Drone
Mechagon Mechanostrider
Kul Tiran Charger
Teldrassil Hippogryph (UNOBTAINABLE)
Dark Iron Core Hound
Volcanic Stone Drake
Lightforged Felcrusher
Starcursed Voidstrider
Swift Green Gryphon
Swift Blue Gryphon
Swift Red Gryphon
Drake of the East Wind
Twilight Harbinger
Golden Gryphon
Onyx Cloud Serpent
Ebon Gryphon
Snowy Gryphon
Obsidian Worldbreaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
Swift Purple Gryphon
Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
Soaring Skyterror
Uncorrupted Voidwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
Grand Expedition Yak
Rare Achievements:
I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
Time is a Flat Circle (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: N'Zoth the Corruptor (UNOBTAINABLE)
It's Over Nine Thousand! (UNOBTAINABLE)