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US-5019224 (New)
  • SKU: US-5019224

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    633 Item Level 80 Death Knight - Safe Armory

    628 Item Level 80 Druid - Safe Armory

    Level 80 Death Knight - Safe Armory

    Level 80 Death Knight - Safe Armory

    Safe Armory is currently down. Please refer to the description & screenshots for account details.

    Rare Items & Transmog:

    All appearances listed are bound to the account. Characters and appearances cannot be moved to new accounts.

    Corrupted Ashbringer (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Benediction (UNOBTAINABLE)
    8/8 T3 Dreadnaught Set
    8/8 T3 Redemption Set
    Tusks of Mannoroth
    WoW's 20th Anniversary Death Knight Set
    WoW's 20th Anniversary Druid Set
    Plague Bearer (Shield) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Death's Demise (Shield) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    WoD Challenge Mode Weapons (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Death Knight Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Paladin Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dragonflight S3 & S4 Elite PvP Death Knight Gear (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dragonflight S3 & S4 Elite PvP Druid Gear (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S11 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Elite PvP Rogue Set
    S16 Primal Elite PvP Death Knight Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S16 Primal Elite PvP Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S16 Primal Elite PvP Paladin Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S15 Prideful Elite PvP Death Knight Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S15 Prideful Elite PvP Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S17 / S18 Elite PvP Death Knight Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S17 / S18 Elite PvP Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S1 / S2 Elite PvP Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S3 / S4 Elite PvP Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S5 / S6 / S7 Elite PvP Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S3 / S4 Elite PvP Death Knight Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S5 / S6 / S7 Elite PvP Death Knight Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Shadowlands S1 Sinful Elite PvP Plate Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Love Witch's Attire
    Harvest Golem's Set
    Human Crest
    Scourge Crest
    Night Elf Crest
    Orc Crest
    The Coward's Violet Target
    Halfhill Farmer's Backpack
    Wings of the Amber / Amethyst / Tourmaline Monarch
    Chen Stormstout's Keg
    Elite Primal Gladiator's Greatsword (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Quel'Serrar (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Argent Avenger (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Whirlwind Sword (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Whirlwind Axe (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
    Warglaives of Azzinoth
    Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
    Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
    Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
    Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen
    Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao

    Weapon Illusions:

    Dreadflame (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Primal Victory (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Glorious Tyranny (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Bronze Infinite (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Verdant Crush (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Shadow Flame (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Primal Storm (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Eternal Flux (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cosmic Flow (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Unchained Fury (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Sinful Flame (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Void Edge
    Flames of Ragnaros
    Rare Tabards: 

    Tabard of the Protector (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Competitor's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Tabard of Flame
    Tabard of Frost
    Tabard of Brilliance
    Tabard of the Void
    Dominating Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Fierce Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cruel Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Warmongering Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Battle Tabard of the Defilers
    Draconic Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Mage Tower Artifact Appearances: 

    Arms Warrior Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Fury Warrior Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Protection Warrior Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Unholy Death Knight Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Frost Death Knight Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Balance Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Feral Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Titles:

    Conqueror of Naxxramas (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Obsidian Slayer (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Magic Seeker (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Death's Demise (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Argent Defender (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Conqueror of Ulduar (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Champion of Ulduar (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Immortal (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Champion of the Naaru (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Hand of A'dal (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Undying (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Undaunted (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legend of Pandaria (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Slayer of Sin'dorei
    Predator (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Servant of N'Zoth (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Sword of Wrynn
    the Hordebreaker
    the Commandojack
    of Gnomeregan
    of Ironforge
    of the Exodar
    Flame Warden
    of Darnassus
    of Stormwind
    Stable Master
    the Admired
    the Diplomat
    Master of the Ways
    Guardian of Cenarius
    the Tranquil Master
    the Pilgrim
    the Argent Champion
    the Wakener
    Conqueror of Orgrimmar
    the Beloved
    the Love Fool
    the Savage Hero
    the Noble
    the Gullible
    Associate Professor
    Avenger of Hyjal
    the Hallowed
    the Explorer
    of the Iron Vanguard (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Mounts:

    Draconic Gladiator's Drake (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Obsidian Gladiator's Slitherdrake (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cosmic Gladiator's Soul Eater (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Eternal Gladiator's Soul Eater (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Unchained Gladiator's Soul Eater (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Astral Emperor's Cloud Serpent (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
    August Phoenix
    Diamond Mechsuit
    Delver's Dirigible
    Ghastly Charger
    Fur-endship Fox
    Hailstorm Armoredon (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Inferno Armoredon (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Riding Turtle
    Pureheart Courser
    Armored Skyscreamer
    Armored Frostwolf
    Mechagon Mechanostrider
    Crimson Cloud Serpent
    Spawn of Galakras
    Battlelord's Bloodthirsty War Wyrm
    Black War Bear
    Deathlord's Vilebrood Vanquisher
    Violet Proto-Drake
    Armored Frostboar
    White War Wolf
    Harbor Gryphon
    Azure Worldchiller
    Coldflame Infernal
    Eve's Ghastly Rider
    Grotto Netherwing Drake
    Lightforged Ruinstrider
    Winding Slitherdrake
    Vicious White Warsaber
    Vicious War Spider

    Teldrassil Hippogryph (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Undercity Plaguebat (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Kor'kron War Wolf (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Blue Dragonhawk
    Twilight Harbinger
    Onyx Cloud Serpent
    Grove Warden (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Red Proto-Drake
    Vashj'ir Seahorse
    Vicious War Spider
    Vicious White Warsaber
    Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
    Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Soaring Skyterror
    Corrupted Fire Hawk
    Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
    Uncorrupted Voidwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Warlord's Deathwheel (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Achievements:

    I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out
    The Fifth Element (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Drop Dead, Gorgeous
    He Feeds On Your Tears (25 player) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    A Tribute to Immortality (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Will of the Emperor (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Lei Shen (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (10 player) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (25 player) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Imperator's Fall (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Time is a Flat Circle (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Helya (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Gul'dan (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: G'huun (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: N'Zoth the Corruptor (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Level 80 Warrior (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Level 85 Warrior (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Magic Seeker (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Obsidian Slayer (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Death's Demise (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Fall of the Lich King (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Predator (UNOBTAINABLE)