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For more information about buying accounts on AccountShark, please see our FAQ or contact us.
After your order is complete, we will email you all of the relevant account login information. This can include but might not be limited to the following:
• Account email or username
• Account phone number
• Account password
• Security question answer
• Account creation details
We also provide comprehensive safe usage guidelines with all purchases that include tips on how to safely use and enjoy your new game account.
In most cases, the account details are sent to you within a few minutes after your payment is received. We try to complete all orders as quickly as possible, but this can take a little longer depending on how busy we are.
For more information on when you can expect to receive the new account details after ordering, please click here.
While it is not required to register here to place an order, it is highly recommended to do so if you plan on making multiple purchases. You can track your order history and go through the checkout process faster by creating a user profile. For more details on registering on AccountShark, see this article.
To see our reviews and customer feedback, please check out our Reviews Page.
Buying an account is perfectly safe. People have been buying accounts since the dawn of online gaming, and there would be no market for accounts if buying them was objectively risky. Any potential risks are mitigated by following our safety guidelines, playing responsibly, and simply keeping a low profile.
We can occasionally do trades depending on what is being traded. However, in most cases we will be unable to do so. Any trades we allow are determined on a case by case basis without guarantee.
Yes! If you buy an account and want to sell it back later on you can certainly do so. For more information on how buybacks work, click here.
If you are buying a whole account, the login details will be sent to you by email. Depending on the game, this will typically include the account email and password. Any other relevant information such as the security question answer will be passed to you if applicable. Once you are logged in, you can modify the password and SQA to one of your choosing.
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Region: United States
Servers: North America
Currency: USD
Placeholder Armory - Safe Armory
Rare Items & Transmog:
MoP Challenge Mode Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
Garb of the Chosen Dead (Mythic) (UNOBTAINABLE)
Warglaives of Azzinoth
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Fangs of the Father
Rare Tabards:
Tabard of the Argent Dawn (UNOBTAINABLE)
Competitor's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Tabard of the Lightbringer
Mage Tower Artifact Weapons:
Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
Subtlety Rogue Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
Rare Mounts:
Hand of Salaranga
Voracious Gorger
Hand of Hrestimorak
Pureheart Courser
Azshari Bloatray
Wriggling Parasite
Emerald Drake
Rampart Screecher
Dazar'alor Windreaver
Bloodgorged Crawg
Grove Defiler
Frostplains Battleboar
Venomhide Ravasaur
Mawsworn Charger
Tangled Dreamweaver
Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent
Armored Frostwolf
Shadowblade's Murderous Omen
Infernal Direwolf
Crimson Cloud Serpent
Antoran Gloomhound
Slayer's Felbroken Shrieker
Violet Proto-Drake
Armored Frostboar
Kor'kron War Wolf (UNOBTAINABLE)
Soultwisted Deathwalker
Volcanic Stone Drake
Black War Bear
Drake of the East Wind
Twilight Harbinger
Onyx Cloud Serpent
Nightborne Manasaber
Caravan Hyena
Highmountain Thunderhoof
Zandalari Direhorn
Red Proto-Drake
Mag'har Direwolf
Vashj'ir Seahorse
Red Dragonhawk
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
Soaring Skyterror
Corrupted Fire Hawk
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
Uncorrupted Voidwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
Warlord's Deathwheel (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ironbound Proto-Drake
Rusted Proto-Drake
Wonderwing 2.0
Dreamlight Runedeer
Albino Drake
Rare Titles:
Champion of the Naaru (UNOBTAINABLE)
the Undaunted (UNOBTAINABLE)
Legend of Pandaria (UNOBTAINABLE)
Forbidden Reach Racer
Maw Walker
the Cryptic
Sin Eater
the Tormented (UNOBTAINABLE)
the Party Herald
of the Shattered Sun
the Scenaturdist
Fun Guy
the Alliance Slayer
the Stormbreaker
the Tomb Raider
Southshore Slayer
of the Jungle
the Flamebreaker
Servant of N'Zoth (UNOBTAINABLE)
Masked Chuckler
the Lightbringer
Blood Champion
Darkspear Revolutionary (UNOBTAINABLE)
Timber Lord
Stable Master
of Sen'jin
of Thunder Bluff
of the Frostwolves
the Admired
of Silvermoon
of the Undercity
Flame Keeper
of Orgrimmar
Veteran of the Fourth War
the Diplomat
Master of the Ways
the Darkener
Guardian of Cenarius
the Tranquil Master
the Pilgrim
the Argent Champion
the Wakener
the Beloved
the Love Fool
the Savage Hero
the Noble
the Gullible
Associate Professor
Avenger of Hyjal
the Hallowed
Liberator of Orgrimmar
the Explorer
the Fabulous
of the Iron Vanguard (UNOBTAINABLE)
Defender of a Shattered World
Empire's Twilight
the Fearless
the Exalted
Bane of the Fallen King
Storm's End
Delver of the Vaults
Vengeance Incarnate
Champion of the Frozen Wastes
of the Four Winds
Hellscream's Downfall
Defiler's End
Blackwing's Bane
Savior of Azeroth
Assistant Professor
of the Ashen Verdict
Destroyer's End
the Astral Walker
the Seeker
of the Nightfall
Twilight Vanquisher
the Light of Dawn
the Kingslayer
the Patient
Rare Achievements:
I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out
Ahead of the Curve: Will of the Emperor (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Grand Empress Shek'zeer (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Sha of Fear (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Lei Shen (UNOBTAINABLE)
Time is a Flat Circle (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Gul'dan (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: G'huun (UNOBTAINABLE)
Ahead of the Curve: Sylvanas Windrunner (UNOBTAINABLE)
It's Over Nine Thousand! (UNOBTAINABLE)