AccountShark US-4809230
  • SKU: US-4809230

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin convallis est quam, at laoreet risus malesuada id. Vivamus velit enim, gravida sit amet orci sed, aliquet sagittis massa. Donec pharetra dolor sit amet purus egestas, nec tempus lorem tempor. Sed malesuada risus ut facilisis dignissim. Quisque sollicitudin dignissim sem nec porttitor. Etiam et dui est. Quisque vitae sodales elit, vitae vestibulum odio. Pellentesque porttitor non mauris eu pharetra. Suspendisse nisi dolor, auctor ut neque et, consequat aliquet nisi.



    Region: United States
    Servers: North America
    Currency: USD


    Level 80 Druid (668 PvP Ilvl)

    Level 80 Warrior (669 PvP Ilvl)

    Level 80 Priest (667 PvP Ilvl)

    Level 80 Rogue

    Level 80 Demon Hunter

    Level 80 Mage

    Level 80 Mage

    Level 77 Hunter

    Rare Items & Transmog:

    WoD Challenge Mode Weapons (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Priest Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    8/8 Tier 3 Bonescythe Set
    War Within S1 Elite PvP Warrior Set (Partial 7/9)
    Legion S5 / S6 / S7 Elite PvP Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S5 / S6 / S7 Elite PvP Priest Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S3 / S4 Elite PvP Priest Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S1 / S2 Elite PvP Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Timewarped Mage Tower Druid Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ornaments of the Pearlescent Butterfly

    Rare Tabards:

    Cosmic Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Sinful Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Loremaster's Colors

    Weapon Illusions:

    Cosmic Flow (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Unchained Fury (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Sinful Flame (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dreadflame (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Demonic Tyranny (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Glorious Tyranny (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Primal Victory (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Winter's Grasp

    Mage Tower Artifact Weapons:

    Feral Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Restoration Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Holy Priest Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Discipline Priest Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Blight of the Grizzlemaw Guardian Druid Form

    Rare Titles:

    Arena Master (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Indomitable (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Undaunted (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Guardian of G'Hanir
    Lady of War
    Legend of Pandaria
    Vengeance Incarnate
    Winter's Envoy
    Veteran of the Alliance
    the Darkener

    Rare Mounts:

    Sha-Warped Cloud Serpent
    Sha-Warped Riding Tiger
    Vicious Dreamtalon
    Shimmermist Free Runner
    Vicious Moonbeast
    Vicious War Snail
    Vicious Warstalker
    Vicious War Basilisk
    Vicious War Elekk
    Vicious War Turtle
    Vicious War Lion
    Vicious War Mechanostrider
    Vicious War Croaker
    Vicious Gilnean Warhorse
    Vicious Black Warsaber
    Vicious Sabertooth
    Vicious War Bear
    Vicious War Ram
    Vicious War Fox
    Vicious War Riverbeast
    Vicious War Steed
    Vicious War Gorm
    Vicious White Warsaber
    Vicious Kaldorei Warsaber
    Vicious War Spider
    Kor'kron War Wolf (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Thundering August Cloud Serpent
    Yu'lei, Daughter of Jade
    Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Regal Riding Crane
    Golden Riding Crane
    Green Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
    Red Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
    Azure Riding Crane
    Armored Snowy Gryphon
    Blue Shado-Pan Riding Tiger
    Xiwyllag ATV
    Smoldering Ember Wyrm
    Corrupted Fire Hawk
    Harbor Gryphon
    Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper
    Armored Brown Bear
    Swift Green Gryphon
    Swift Blue Gryphon
    Swift Red Gryphon
    Traveler's Tundra Mammoth
    Starcursed Voidstrider
    Golden Gryphon
    Ebon Gryphon
    Vashj'ir Seahorse
    Snowy Gryphon
    Warlord's Deathwheel
    Swift Purple Gryphon
    Garn Nighthowl
    Coalfist Gronnling
    Dreamlight Runestag
    Winding Slitherdrake
    Albino Drake
    Cliffside Wylderdrake
    Windborne Velocidrake
    Highland Drake
    Renewed Proto-Drake

    Rare Achievements:

    Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (10 Player) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Jaina Proudmoore (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Last Man Standing (UNOBTAINABLE)
    High Five: 2200 (UNOBTAINABLE)