AccountShark Buy WoW Accounts US-5285912 (New)
US-5285912 (New)
  • SKU: US-5285912

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    637 Item Level Rogue - Safe Armory

    Level 70 Warrior - Safe Armory

    Level 70 Priest - Safe Armory

    Level 70 Druid - Safe Armory

    Level 70 Monk - Safe Armory

    Rare Items & Transmog:

    Full T3 Bonescythe Set
    Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers (UNOBTAINABLE)
    WoD Challenge Mode Weapons (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Warrior Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    MoP Challenge Mode Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    S12 Malevolent Gladiator's Elite PvP Warrior Gear (Missing Belt) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S1 / S2 Elite PvP Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S3 / S4 Elite PvP Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Legion S5 / S6 / S7 Elite PvP Rogue Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Shadowlands S2 Elite PvP Leather Set
    Shadowlands S2 Elite PvP Plate Set
    Garb of the Chosen Dead (Mythic) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Replica Field Marshal's Set (Leather)
    Replica Warlord's Set (Plate)
    Replica Field Marshal's Set (Mail)
    Replica Knight-Lieutenant Set (Mail)
    Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
    Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
    Warglaives of Azzinoth
    Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
    Fangs of the Father

    Rare Tabards:

    Tabard of the Protector (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Tabard of Flame
    Arathor Battle Tabard
    Battle Tabard of the Defilers
    Theramore Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Competitor's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dominant Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Sinister Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Corrupted Gladiator's Tabard (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Weapon Illusions:

    Unchained Fury Weapon Illusion (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Flames of Ragnaros Weapon Illusion
    Dreadflame Weapon Illusion (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Mage Tower Artifact Appearances:

    Fury Warrior Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Arms Warrior Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Subtlety Rogue Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Artifact Appearance (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Mounts:

    Swift Nether Drake (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Black Qiraji War Tank (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Big Blizzard Bear (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Sandy Shalewing
    Ginormous Grrloc
    Renewed Magmammoth
    Mimiron's Jumpjets
    Armored Golden Pterrordax
    Boulder Hauler
    Gold-Toed Albatross
    Sulfur Hound
    Subterranean Magmammoth
    Perfected Juggernaut
    Felstorm Dragon
    Scourgebound Vanquisher
    Ravenous Black Gryphon
    Cataloged Shalewing
    Azure Worldchiller
    White War Wolf
    Harbor Gryphon
    Wonderous Wavewhisker
    Coldflame Infernal
    Eve's Ghastly Rider
    Zenet Hatchling
    Felcrystal Scorpion
    Gargantuan Grrloc
    Telix the Stormhorn
    Crusty Crawler
    Lizi, Thunderspine Tramper
    Royal Swarmer
    Temperamental Skyclaw
    Amalgam of Rage (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Alabaster Stormtalon
    Jade, Bright Foreseer
    Inferno Armoredon
    Grotto Netherwing Drake
    Vicious War Gorm
    Vicious Black Warsaber
    Vicious War Elekk
    Stormhide Salamanther
    Savage Green Battle Turtle
    Vicious War Bear
    Mechacycle Model W
    Vicious War Ram
    Winding Slitherdrake
    Vicious War Riverbeast
    Garnet Razorwing
    Obsidian Krolusk
    Vicious War Steed
    Pureheart Courser
    Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn
    Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm
    Vicious Kaldorei Warsaber
    Azshari Bloatray
    Wriggling Parasite
    Stormpike Battle Ram
    Predatory Plagueroc
    Gorestrider Gronnling
    Dazar'alor Windreaver
    Fallen Charger
    Phosphorescent Stone Drake
    Winterspring Frostsaber
    Bloodgorged Crawg
    Grove Defiler
    Springfur Alpaca
    Crimson Shardhide
    Cindermane Charger
    Swift Zhevra
    Challenger's War Yeti (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Harvester's Dredwing
    Cliffside Wylderdrake
    Highland Drake
    Tangled Dreamweaver
    Windborne Velocidrake
    Renewed Proto-Drake
    Armored Skyscreamer
    Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent
    Shadowbarb Drone
    Shadowblade's Murderous Omen
    Infernal Direwolf
    Mechagon Mechanostrider
    Crimson Cloud Serpent
    Antoran Gloomhound
    Infinite Timereaver
    Spawn of Galakras
    Battlelord's Bloodthirsty War Wyrm
    Black War Bear
    Rampaging Mauler
    Violet Proto-Drake
    Teldrassil Hippogryph (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Corridor Creeper
    Kor'kron War Wolf (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Celestial Steed
    Dark Iron Core Hound
    Blue Dragonhawk
    Lightforged Felcrusher
    Volcanic Stone Drake
    Azure Drake
    Starcursed Voidstrider
    Chauffeured Mekgineer's Chopper
    Drake of the East Wind
    Twilight Harbinger
    Onyx Cloud Serpent
    Swift Springstrider
    Prestigious Ivory Courser
    Grove Warden (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Maldraxxian Corpsefly
    Red Proto-Drake
    Swift Purple Gryphon
    Great Brewfest Kodo
    Swift White Hawkstrider
    Sinfall Gravewing
    Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
    Violet Spellwing
    Armored War-Bred Bonehoof
    Elysian Aquilon
    Armored Plaguerot Tauralus
    Soaring Skyterror
    Red Qiraji Battle Tank
    Corrupted Fire Hawk
    Gravestone Battle Gargon
    Eternal Phalynx of Purity
    Black War Elekk
    Jade Pandaren Kite
    Crypt Guardian
    Swift Warstrider
    War-Bred Bonehoof
    Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
    Eternal Phalynx of Courage
    Black Battlestrider
    Uncorrupted Voidwing
    Black War Steed
    Black War Kodo
    Black War Ram
    Black War Wolf
    Warlord's Deathwheel (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Titles:

    Scarab Lord (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Conqueror of Naxxramas (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Obsidian Slayer (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Azeroth's Champion (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Arena Master (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Insane
    Field Medic (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Herald of the Titans (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Champion of the Naaru (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Chosen (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Hand of A'dal (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Undying (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Undaunted (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Bloodsail Admiral
    Legend of Pandaria (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Faceless One
    Terror of the Tushui
    Worgen Hunter
    the Dwarfstalker
    Seeker of Knowledge
    Warlord of Draenor (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Draenei Destroyer
    Scourge of the Kaldorei
    the Eternal
    the Stormbreaker
    the Manslayer
    Southshore Slayer (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Tomb Raider
    of the Jungle
    the Flamebreaker
    of the Horde
    the Relic Hunter
    Servant of N'Zoth
    Masked Chuckler
    the Lightbringer
    Spear of Vol'jin
    Darkspear Revolutionary (UNOBTAINABLE)
    of Sen'jin
    of Thunder Bluff
    of the Frostwolves
    the Admired
    of Silvermoon
    of the Undercity
    Flame Keeper
    of Orgrimmar
    the Diplomat
    the Darkener
    Master of the Ways
    Terror of the Tushui
    Worgen Hunter

    Rare Achievements:

    I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out
    The Fifth Element (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Drop Dead, Gorgeous
    I Thought He Was Supposed to Be Hard? (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Will of the Emperor (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Garrosh Hellscream (10 player) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Garrosh Hellscream (10 player) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Imperator's Fall (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Blackhand's Crucible (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Time is a Flat Circle (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Helya (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Helya (UNOBTAINABLE)
    The Chosen (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Gul'dan (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Argus the Unmaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: G'huun (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: N'Zoth the Corruptor (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Sylvanas Windrunner
    Realm First! Obsidian Slayer (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Predator (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Phenomenal Cosmic Power (UNOBTAINABLE)