AccountShark Buy WoW Accounts US-3495401
  • SKU: US-3495401

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    Region: United States
    Servers: North America
    Currency: USD


    Level 80 Warrior

    Level 80 Druid

    Level 80 Paladin

    Level 80 Hunter

    Level 80 Monk

    Level 80 Priest

    Level 80 Mage

    Level 80 Death Knight

    Level 80 Rogue

    Rare Items & Transmog:

    WoD Challenge Mode Weapons (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Garb of the Chosen Dead (Mythic Variant) (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Dragonflight S3 / S4 Elite PvP Paladin Set (UNOBTAINABLE)
    20th Anniversary Paladin Set
    20th Anniversary Warrior Set
    20th Anniversary Druid Set
    20th Anniversary Hunter Set
    20th Anniversary Warlock Set
    20th Anniversary Monk Set
    20th Anniversary Priest Set
    20th Anniversary Death Knight Set
    20th Anniversary Mage Set
    Crown of Eternal Winter (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Orc Heritage Armor
    Green Snugglefin Murloc Romper
    Dark Ranger General's Kit
    High Scholar's Arcana
    Kor'kron Shaman's Vestments
    Guise of the Shado-Pan
    Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
    Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kingsnx

    Rare Tabards:

    Colors of the Undying Army
    Purple Tabard of the Illidari
    Green Tabard of the Illidari

    Mage Tower Artifact Weapons:

    Guardian Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Feral Druid Mage Tower Artifact Appearances (UNOBTAINABLE)

    Rare Titles:

    the Chosen (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Blodsail Admiral
    the Indomitable (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Insane
    the Tormented (UNOBTAINABLE)
    the Uncorrupted
    the Tomb Raider
    the Groundbreaker
    the Faceless One
    Cataclysm Enthusiast
    Broken Isles Enthusiast
    Fun Guy
    Draenor Enthusiast
    Dragon Isles Enthusiast
    Grizzly Hills Hiker
    Hero of Dazar'alor
    Kul Tiras Enthusiast
    Molten Core Prospector
    Northrend Enthusaist
    Plaguelands Survivor
    Pandaria Enthusaist
    Outland Enthusiast
    Servant of N'Zoth
    Sergeant Major
    of the Deeps
    of the Deeps

    Rare Mounts:

    Hateforged Blazecycle (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Trader's Gilded Brutosaur (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Antoran Gloomhound
    August Phoenix (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Azshari Bloatray
    Black Serpent of N'Zoth (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Blazing Hippogryph
    Fiery Hearthsteed
    Grove Warden (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Infinite Timereaver
    Obsidian Worldbreaker (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Leyfeather Hippogryph
    Plunderlord's Golden Crocolisk
    Sarge's Tale
    Snapback Scuttler
    Springfur Alpaca
    Shadowbarb Drone
    Slatestone Ramolith
    The Dreadwake
    Uncorruped Voidwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Violet Spellwing (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Voracious Gorger
    Wriggling Parasite

    Rare Achievements:

    Ahead of the Curve: Sylvanas (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Denathrius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: N'Zoth (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Azshara (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Jaina (UNOBTAINABLE)
    The Chosen (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Argus (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Helya (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Cutting Edge: Xavius (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Time is a Flat. Circle (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate (UNOBTAINABLE)
    Ahead of the Curve: Imperator (UNOBTAINABLE)