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All orders placed between 10:30 AM - 10:30 PM CST are fulfilled the same day, generally within one hour of the order being received, and occassionally within minutes. Orders placed outside of this timeframe are fulfilled the following morning. Weekends, holidays, and unforseen delays may extend fulfillment time. If you have a question about fulfillment after placing an order, contact us. However, please do not spam us demanding we fulfill your order instantly. We are ordinary people and although we try to, we cannot immediately get to every order the second it is placed. All orders are subject to verification, so we do not have a process in place for "instant" delivery, nor can it be implemented.
No, this is not possible. Any account purchased here can only be played as intended, and independently of any other accounts you may own. Nothing stated here implies the contrary. The same applies to character purchases. We kindly ask that you please do not place an order with us if you have misconceptions about what is possible or if this is something you want to accomplish. If you have questions, ask before you place an order. We will not assist with, or refund payments, for orders made under this assumption when it is realized that it is impossible, or if any complications or consequences arise from you attempting such a thing.
If you want to sell your account, you will need to fill out one of the forms found under the "Sell Account" tab. You will need to acknowledge that you are the original owner of the account and provide extensive details about the account in order for us to accurately appraise it for you. In order to eliminate the possibility of stolen or hacked account being sold on this site, you must be the original owner of the account in order to sell it here. You will be required to verify your identity through multiple means to prove, unequivocally, that your name is the name registered to the account you are trying to sell. Additionally, if we elect to process the sale of your account through this site, you will be required to read, agree to, and sign a contract indicating that you have all the necessary priveleges to sell your account and understand that doing so is a permanent, binding agreement that cannot be undone. For this reason, all seller's must be 18 years of age or older. If you have any questions or concerns about the selling process, contact us.
An armory is your personal avatar's profile. This publically showcases gear, achievements, mounts, and other accolades that your character has earned. Reviewing the armory helps us more easily identify what you are offering to sell without requiring you to type out a ton of lengthy information.
Notable transmog could refer to many things. Transmog refers to specific items or gear that your character can use to hide or change the appearance of the gear they are currently equipped with. Notable transmog includes, but is not limited to, Tier 3 sets, Mage Tower artifact appearances, Challenge Mode gear and Challenge Mode weapons, any old items or gear that are no longer attainable, Elite PvP sets of gear or weapons, rare or unobtainable tabards, PvP weapon enchantments, legendary weapons, and more. Transmog that would not constitute as notable can include but isn't limited to, regular raid sets or weapons, regular PvP sets or weapons, or anything that can be easily or freely obtained simply by playing the game. If you have any questions about whether or not your characters have notable transmog, contact us and we can help you figure it out.
The original owner is the person who created, and whose name is registered to, an account. The registered name on an account cannot be altered, so this person is the only person in existence with the authority to sell their account. A "seller" and "original owner" are used interchangeably throughout this site as they refer to the same thing.
If you filled out the form to sell your account and did not receive a quote, there are many reasons why. We try to respond to all quote requests, but due to a large number of forms being submitted daily, we cannot adequately respond to all of them. If we are uninterested in an account or unable to buy it, you may not receive a response. If you are not the original owner of an account you are trying to sell, you will not receive a response from us. If your "anticipated price" is unreasonable, or impossible, to the extent that it would be not worth our time or yours to negotiate a more reasonable rate, we will generally not respond. Please be realistic when selecting an "anticipated price" for your account, and we will be reasonable with our offer.
PayPal cut ties with our business in May 2021 after years of being our primary payment processor. Due to no fault of ours, they closed our business account in direct opposition to conditions they established with us just one year prior. Upon some further research, they had done the same to several of the other large MMO accounts and services marketplaces (PlayerAuctions, AccountWarehouse, and more) in addition to thousands of other unrelated businesses, all during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since millions of people globally use PayPal for purchases and sales related to online gaming, this came as a shock to us. Despite consistently approving of the nature of our business, PayPal made false assumptions about its nature after years of processing hundreds of thousands of dollars without issue in order to serve and enforce their own predatory policies. After months of attempting to contact them to no avail to reach a resolution and defend our case, we simply dropped the matter and moved on to greener, safer payment processing pastures. We would encourage you to do the same.
Zelle is the United States’ major bank’s invention designed to compete with small-scale payment processing companies like Venmo (PayPal). To use Zelle, you must be registered with a US bank that offers it. If your bank offers Zelle, it is already integrated into your online or mobile banking application. You are able to use Zelle on your bank’s app to instantly send payments to other users whose banks also offer Zelle.
Yes, you may! We actually encourage users to get creative with payments. Without the option of PayPal, options are limited, and we apologize immensely for that. You can thank PayPal for the inconvenience. Because of this, if you have a way to pay that is not shown here - suggest it and we will try to make it work if we can. Might seem unorthodox, but if it works and you’re happy then we are happy as well.
There are many reasons your payment could have been declined. Fraud prevention is a big concern of ours, so we may occasionally decline card purchases that appear to be high-risk or do not pass our fraud screening measures. Another common reason for your card being declined is that we are unable to process your payment due to the price of the product or service being ordered. We can only process card payments on orders under $1,000 USD. Anything more expensive than that will need to be paid using an alternative method. Additionally, we are unable to process card payments for users belonging to specific countries. If your card is declined for any reason, simply contact us and we'll let you know what options are available for completing your order. All card payments are subject to review and may be declined, canceled, or refunded without notice or explanation to you.
If you live in one of the following countries, we are unable to accept card payments from you at this time:
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Users in these countries and others not listed here will need to seek alternative methods for making a purchase here. Contact support for options.
We rarely ever do trades unless you are trading-in something we sold you previously. On rare exceptions we can, but generally not. Please include in the "Sell Account" form what account you are interested in, what you are wanting to trade for it. Additional information may be required, and approval of such a request is not guaranteed.
If you opt to "swap" an account, meaning trade an account you bought here for another account on here, your warranty is locked into whatever price the new account is. Meaning, if you swap an account you bought here for $500 for an account priced at $250, your new coverage rate is $250. We will not rollover coverage due to the fact that this could be easily abused by frequent "swappers" so our stance on the matter is firm and nonnegotiable.
This is simply business 101. Selling an account here is a safe, reliable, and instant means of pure convenience. You are free to sell your account on your own elsewhere if you do not like the offer you receive. All prices set onsite are based on several factors, including: offers, margins, legwork, warranty, advertising, communications, time, labor, and may not reflect "true" value.